Poster at International Workshop for Language Production

Mark K. and Maryellen presented a poster at IWLP 2016 in La Jolla, California of work done together with collaborators at Pennsylvania State.

Parallels between Action Priming and Syntactic Priming

We looked at how similar syntactic priming effects are to that of other complex plans humans execute, such as ordering a series of actions in service of accomplishing a motor action task. To begin testing this question we designed parallel motor and dative priming tasks and asked participants to complete each separately (Experiment 1) and interleaved (Experiment 2). Our preliminary work suggests that when multiple options are available both touching a series of dots and saying a sentence are similarly biased by previous experience.


Mark J. Koranda*, Federica Bulgarelli**, Daniel J. Weiss**, and Maryellen C. MacDonald*

*University of Wisconsin-Madison
** Pennsylvania State University

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